
Availability: In stock


Quick Overview

Drumsticks,This must be the most popular retro lollipop sweet. It's a raspberry & milk flavoured chewy lolly the kids love them, and so do the parents!!

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Drumsticks -This must be the most popular retro lollipop sweet. It's a raspberry & milk flavoured chewy lolly the kids love them, and so do the parents!!

A great story about this lolly is that it was created by accident in 1957 when Trevor Matlow (of Swizzels Matlow) when he was experimenting with a new chew wrapping machine and discovered that it was possible to make a two flavour lolly and insert a stick.  As milk flavour was the most popular chew flavour this was used and raspberry for the pink colour. And the rest, as they say, is history and what a popular history the Drumstick lolly has had!

And if you'd like to know a bit more about Drumstick Lollies, take a look at this video!

Additional Information

Weight 10.0000

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