Tag Archives: bunting

  • More bunting facts....

    Hello again

    After all the excitement about the bunting I thought it only right to share a little bit more information for those of you not in Yorkshire or not suffering from Le Tour Fever!

    In November 2013, in readiness for Le Tour, Harrogate Borough Council launched the 'Le Tour de bunting' project, asking for volunteer knitters to knit tiny jerseys to be strung up around Harrogate Borough in readiness for the Tour.

    They were inundated with responses and had to stop taking any more knitters on!

    Go Yorkshire!!


  • Bunting Blunder!

    Good Morning Blog fans!

    The talk of the town today is bunting - who would have believed something so trivial could cause such ructions?

    If you have been reading our recent blogs about the impending arrival of Le Tour de France in our North Yorkshire market town of Masham, then you will have read about the fabulous (tiny) knitted jerseys that have been strung up around the town as bunting.

    Yesterday North Yorkshire County Council came and removed the bunting!  Why?  Because "We noticed that the lighting columns were leaning and in the interest of safety we asked for it to be taken down and not to be hung from lighting columns", a spokeperson from the Council has said.

    Apparently, if the (tiny) knitted jerseys were to get wet the weight of them might pull the lamp post over.  If you check out the link to BBC news you will see just how tiny these jerseys are, and you will also see one of the offending in the picture.  Now if this is all it takes to make a lamp post lean enough to be a safety issue, then I would think that North Yorkshire County Council need to come and ensure that the posts are secured a little better.


    We have also hit the local news on Stray FM!


    Bah Humbugs with BuntingResidents and businesses like ourselves now have the bunting strung up on our walls (let's hope these are slightly less likely to fall over than the lamp posts!!!)

    Why don't you have a drive out to Masham this weekend and see for yourself?

    Pop into Bah Humbugs and browse our shelves for your favourite sweets.  Strawberries & Cream, Refresher Chews, loads of Liquorice, Sherbet Pips, scrumptious Toffees and delicious Fudge, a fantastic selection of hard boiled sweets.

    Bah Humbugs Traditional Sweet Shop......... stocks all your favourite retro and traditional sweets so even if you can't get here you can browse our website and order your sweets online.

    Visit the Masham Tour de France website if you're thinking of visiting for the event



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