Well, this time of year has come round again and it only means one thing, CHRISTMAS DAY is 1 month away! So Bah Humbugs has come to the party to help make you pennies stretch that little bit further and we offering FREE postage for all HAMPERS and SWEET DECADE BUCKETS! But be quick as the offer is only valid until Saturday 26th November. To take advantage of this offer, enter FREEPOSTAGE when you visit www.bahhumbugs.com on the checkout page! HAPPY SHOPPING!
12 Days of Christmas - SPECIAL OFFERS!!!
Well Christmas is nearly here and we know you all love to grab a bargain, so we're launching a 12 Days of Christmas Promotion.
From 1-12 December 2015 you will be able to take advantage of the discount codes, free products to make your Christmas pennies go that bit further.
Check back each day to hear about the Special Promotion that is running that day, or visit our Facebook or Twitter pages to be the first to find out about the specific promotion.
Our elves are mega busy packing up lots and lots of Christmas orders for Father Christmas. They're working SO hard but because of the sheer volume of orders and delivery by Royal Mail your order may take a day or two longer to arrive with you. But fear not, we will make sure all parcels will arrive with you in time for Christmas Day!
DAY 1 -1st December 2015 - Get 15% OFF on all Online Orders at Bah Humbugs Sweet Shop. Just use Offer Code - BAHHUMBUGS on the checkout page. Offer valid for 24 hours.
DAY 2 - 2nd December 2015 - FREE LUCKY DIP BAG WITH ORDERS OVER £10
Day 3 - 3rd December 2015 - GET 10% OFF BEST OF BRITISH SWEET HAMPERS using offer code BOB10 on the checkout page.
Day 4 - 4th December 2015 - 10% OFF SWEET DECADE BUCKETS, OFFERCODE BUCKET10
Day 5 - 5th December 2015 - 10% OFF LIQUORICE SWEET HAMPER, CODE LIQ10
Day 6 - 6th December 2015 - 15% OFF OUR GIANT SWEET HAMPER - CODE GSH15
Day 7 - 7th December 2015 - FREE POSTAGE with orders over £20. Code FREEPOST
Day 8 - 8th December 2015 - FREE BAG FO HARIBO WITH ORDERS OVER £15
Day 9 - 9th December 2015 - 15% OFF LIQUORICE SWEETS WITH CODE LIQ15
Day 10 - 10th December 2015 - FREE BAG OF HUMBUGS WITH ORDERS OVER £20
Day 11 - 11th December 2015
Day 12 - 12th December 2015
Lion's Midget Gems, Lion's Sports Mixtures, Lion's Poor Bens, Lion's Liquorice Gums, Lion's Fruit Pastilles, Lion's Wine Gums & Lion's Fruit Salads...... am I tempting you?
We created the Lion's Sweet Hamper a good few years ago because we realised that there were so many loyal Lion's fans out there who absolutely loved their whole sweet range. We're the only sweet shop to make a lion's hamper..... so don't tell anyone or every other sweet shop will start to copy us!!
This sweet hamper contains each one of the current Lion's Sweet range. Unfortunately this year they've stopped making the Lion's Butterscotch Gums..... we're not happy about this because they used to sell so well for us in our sweet shop. Nevertheless, this hamper contains 1.6kg of all the other Lion's sweets - the traditional, proper, hard, fruity gums which originated in Cleckheaton.
And before you ask, the answer is YES. These are most definitely the PROPER ones. PROPER Lion's Midget Gems and PROPER Lion's Sports Mixtures....... by that I mean that the black sweets in these are liquorice flavoured, NOT blackcurrant. They're hard and chewy, just as they should be - we guarantee that you won't be sold an inferior product because we just don't stock them - Lion's all the way!
So if you know someone who is a real fan of the Lion's sweets then our Lion's Sweet Hamper is an absolute MUST for them this Christmas. And if there is just one particular flavours of the Lion's Sweets which they particularly like, why not get in touch with us and we can customise a lion's hamper for you to include ONLY their favourite Lion's Sweet. Alternatively, we have a fabulous range of Giant Sweet Buckets which may be to their suiting - 1.5kg full of their favourite Lion's Sweet! Midget Gems, Wine Gums, Sports Mixtures.... you name it, we've got it!
Christmas is just around the corner - have you started thinking about gifts yet?
We've created lots of sweet hampers over the years and we've sold hundreds of these hampers for our corporate clients to send out to their customers or staff over the festive period. This year we've added the GIANT SWEET HAMPER to online sweet shop so that anyone can order one of these fantastic sweet hampers which contains over 4 kg of sweets!
They are the ultimate in sweet hampers - full of all the delicious sweets you would expect to be our best sellers. Rhubarb & Custards, Lemon Sherbets, Bon Bons, Cinder Toffee, Fudge, Pear Drops, Mints, Midget Gems, Jelly Babies, Cola Bottles, Huge Selection of Retro Sweets, Flying Saucers, Toffees, Liquroices and loads more. Far to many to name to be precise!
The Giant Sweet Hampers make wonderful gifts for families to share, for someone who deserves an extra special treat, for customers, clients or staff or just for someone who has a particularly sweet tooth.
If you'd prefer to fill one of our Giant Sweet Hampers with your own choice of sweets then please do just send us an email or call us at the sweet shop on 01765 688997 and we will gladly fill one direct to your specification,
Here at Bah Humbugs Sweet Shop we specialise in a Sweet Gifts and have a wonderful selection of tasty treats - all of which are guaranteed to have the recipient grinning from ear to ear. For more inspiration, please check out our SWEET GIFT range, and in particular our Sweet Hampers, Sweet Jars and Range of Sweet Buckets.
We hope you like what you see!
Here at Bah Humbugs Sweet Shop we're always thinking of new products to whet your appetite and this year is no different! Hot on the heels of our Sweet Buckets we're delighted to launch our brand new range of Sweet Buckets - The Decade Sweet Buckets!
Perfect for those milestone events such as birthdays, anniversaries or Christmas, these Sweet Buckets are a wonderful gift to transport the recipient on a lovely, nostalgic trip down memory lane. Each one in crammed full of 1500g of sweets from a specific decade.
There are four buckets in the range so far - 1950s sweets, 1960s sweets, 1970s sweets and 1980s sweets. Here is some information about each one & of course to take a look at the rest of our Sweet Gifts then don't forget to check out our website - www.bahhumbugs.com
So if you're looking for sweets for specific event and need sweets from a specific era, Fifties Sweets, Sixties Sweets, Eighties Sweets, or Seventies Sweets? We've done the research and each of these buckets is crammed full of all the sweets you'll remember from each of these decades so you won't be disappointed!
1950s Sweet Bucket - 1.5kg of sweets from the 1950s, including Aniseed Balls, Catherine Wheels, Liquorice Root, Toffees, Dolly Mixtures, Rhubarb & Custards, Pontefract Cakes, Pear Drops, Black Jacks, Fruit Salads, Drumsticks, Love Hearts, Parma Violets, Fizzers & lots more.
1960s Sweet Bucket - 1.5kg of sweets from the 1960s, including Jelly Babies, Liquorice Torpedoes Coconut Mushrooms, Rhubarb & Custards, Murray Mints, Cherry Lips, Sherbet Lemons, Sherbet Fountain, Sherbet Dip, Black Jacks, Fruit Salads, Love Hearts, Refreshers, Double Lollies, Refresher Chew & lots more.
1970s Sweet Bucket - 1.5kg of sweets from the 1970s, including Fizzy Cola Bottles, Midget Gems, Kola Cubes, Liquorice Comfits, Foam Shrimps, Lemon Sherbets, Anglo Bubbly, Double Dip, Cadbury Fudge, Candy Whistle, Black Jacks, Fruit Salads, Love Hearts, Refreshers, Double Lollies, Refresher Chew & lots more.
1980s Sweet Bucket - 1.5kg of sweets from the 1980s, including Cola Bottles, Sherbet Pips, Pineapple Cubes, Milk Teeth, Fish & Chips, Bon Bons, Wham Bars, Sherbet Fountains, Popping Candy, Dip Dab, Anglo Bubbly, Black Jacks, Fruit Salads, Love Hearts, Refreshers, Double Lollies, Refresher Chew & lots more.
Which one would you buy? What's your favourite sweet from your favourite decade? Let us know in the comments section below!
Christmas is always a very busy time in Bah Humbugs, all our elves are busy packing up hampers and preparing parcels to send off to Father Christmas.
My youngest Humbug will be two in December and the night he was born i was busy placing an order online with one of my large wholesalers from my hospital bed - it's hard to get time off at such a hectic time of year!
Anyhow.... i've digressed there! For small independent businesses the endorsement from major National Magazines and Newspapers can lead to a huge surge in orders and really helps to boost our sales. We're delighted to see that our Best Selling Retro Sweet Hamper is featured in this month's WOMAN & HOME MAGAZINE in their BEST EVER GIFTS SECTION. So just in case you were un-decided about our wonderful Hampers, this is a pretty good endorsement.
Our Bah Humbugs Sweet Hampers are completely our own creation, they aren't sold in any supermarkets so you won't find them on the shelves of other retailers. This weekend we had a customer in the shop who was convinced that she'd bought one from Tesco's but that just isn't possible. These hampers are all lovingly created by The Bah Humbugs Team in our Sweet Shop in Yorkshire - we promise you that!
Christmas is a busy time of year for Miss Humbug and the Bah Humbugs Elves. We do lots of Corporate Christmas gifts for customers who are looking for a gift which is a bit different to the more usual gifts of wine or chocolates.
I know that with several companies who we deliver to in the week before Christmas that staff squeal with delight when they open the parcels full of sweets delivered by the post man. The usual work done in the offices is replaced by sweet swapping and nostalgic tales of happy childhood years & visits to the local sweet shop. As you can imagine there are lots of smiling faces so we pretty much can guarantee that the Bah Humbugs Sweet Hampers, Sweet Jars and Sweet Buckets will do down a storm this Christmas.
So whatever your budget this Christmas, Bah Humbugs can help you solve the tricky question of "What to buy this year!" We can create bespoke sweet hampers, sweet jars, sweet buckets, bags of sweets to suit your budget, colours & themes this year.
Please don't hesitate to contact Miss Humbug directly for the best prices & further information.
Hi fellow sweet lovers
Today I'm looking at Lion's sweets. Do you all remember them? Way before I came to join the team at Bah Humbugs I had realised that Lion sweets held a place in the heart of so many people and that everyone has their particular favourite. In fact, at one point in my life I 'typed' my work colleagues by what I thought would be their favourites. For example 'H' was a Mr Sports Mixture, 'S' was a Miss Fruit Pastille, 'L' was Lady Licorice Gums! I'm not sure I was always right, but it was fun at the time.
Lion Sweets have been manufactured since 1903, and they have retained their reputation for quality and taste. These gum sweets are still made at the original factory in Cleckheaton, which is a great bonus for our Traditional Yorkshire Sweet Shop to be able have such an iconic brand made so close to home.
If you haven't already decided which are your favourites (which I very much doubt!), then let me remind you of the Lion Range.
Perhaps the top sellers are the delicious Lion's Midget Gems, a selection of fruit flavours, hard and chewy and with the original Licorice Gums still included.
Lion's Sports Mixture is another firm favourite with it sports shaped hard gums packing a punch with their fruity flavours, and again including the Licorice Gums.
Next up we have the delicious Lion's Fruit Salad, hard gums shaped as fruit to correspond to their flavour. Chewy, fruity and incredibly moreish!
If I still haven't got to your favourite, maybe you're a Lion's Fruit Pastilles person? Fruit shaped again but these are sugar coated and, once more, deliciously chewy and bursting with flavour.
Lion's Wine Gums might be your thing? Geometric shaped sweets which are stamped with 'wine', 'claret', 'rum', 'port', and which, as a child, I thought were truly naughty sweets to eat! Hard gums bursting with flavour.
And now for what I consider the hardcore devotees to Lion's sweets class as their favourites. We have Lion's Licorice Gums, although included in some of the other mixtures these are sought after on their own and are extremely popular.
And the final two are of course, Lion's Poor Bens, a mix of liquorice and aniseed flavour in a delicious chewy hard gum, and Lion's Butterscotch Gums, sweet and buttery whilst also hard and chewy - a great combination!
I hope I have triggered a few nostalgic memories for you and perhaps given you some gift idea's for those Lion's lovers in your life. You can find all the range on the shelves of our traditional sweet shop, in our sweet shop online, and the complete range makes up our Lion's Sweet Hamper, a great gift for Christmas, birthdays, or just to give because you can!
We're gearing up for a busy time at Bah Humbugs Online Sweet Shop ahead of Christmas and we're already getting lots of requests for HUMBUGS! They're always so popular at this time of year with people buying them as Stocking Fillers for those grumpy folk who don't like Christmas, or for Companies to buy them for their corporate Christmas gifts.
We stock three different types of Humbugs - all of them are super scrumptious and available in our online sweet shop (or in the shop in Yorkshire too!). If you're looking to buy large quantities then please get in touch for our most competitive pricing.
Striped Humbugs - these are one of the oldest sweets we stock, hard, crunchy, hard boiled sweets with a delicious mint flavour.
Mint Humbugs - Wrapped boiled sweets in a yummy mint flavour with a chewy toffee centre. Brown and white in colour and made by Tavener's, these are the most popular Humbug that we sell.
Golden Humbugs - Another really old fashioned hard boiled Mint produced in a copper boiling pan by Maxons of Sheffield. They have a chewy centre once they start to warm up in your mouth and are incredibly more-ish!
New for Autumn 2014 from Bah Humbugs Sweet Shop is our Sweet Buckets - Buckets Full of Treats!
Great gifts for those people who love one particular sweet. We have a great selection of Sweet Buckets already made up and ready to go, or if your favourite sweet isn't already in one of our Sweet Buckets then please do just drop us an email and we can make one up specifically for you.
All available online and in the shop NOW - just in time for Christmas. Make wonderful Secret Santa Gifts or Stocking Fillers!!
Here's a few to Tempt your Tastebuds:-
Penny Chew Pick n Mix Sweet Bucket
Fizzy Blue Bubblegum Bottle Sweet Bucket
Lions Midget Gems Sweet Bucket ( with the PROPER Black ones of course!)
Liquorice Torpedoes Sweet Bucket
Items 1 to 10 of 15 total
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